Monday, February 8, 2010


I'm so bored and am feeling lots of extravagantly weird melange of self-consuming and depression inducing feelings. At times i'm scared yet happy in an unexplainable manner. There were times when I was extremely calm yet ending up getting flabbergasted over the smallest matters. But most of the time, the hollow compartment where my brain should have been seems to be pretty occupied with thoughts. Thoughts so wild and feral that they drive me insane at times.
Et parfois, ils me rendent vachement triste. Si triste qu'il me semble qu'il n'y a plus d'espoir dans ma vie. Si chagrine que je ne peux plus voir la lumiere a la fin de la route qui s'attenue de temps en temps. Et si devaste que je ne sens plus le rayon de soleil qui brillait sur ma peau. QUELLES HORREURS !! [Pardon my grammar]

But, one thing's for sure. I'm missing my dear superbly crazy monkey-like hyperly flamboyant and extremely lovable
classmates ever so terribly. Their boisterous rants about the home works and tasks, their gleeful cheers over a teacher's absence and of course their
earth-shaking laughter will always be carved and embroidered in my heart and in my mind. And not forgetting the
wonderfully cheerful and helpful Form 6 seniors i've met along the way. You guys know who you are. So, thanks a lot for the great time we had together. Give yourselves a pat on my behalf :D
wow! That was very EMO of me. Masya-Allah. I'm becoming more and more like my younger brother. NO!

Anyway, that's all I've got to say for the time being. I know it's kinda short seeming that i've cut off all relationship with my blog for almost a year or so but that's all that I managed to squeeze out of this rusty noggin of mine. I'm planning on making one of those data base thingy with my friends' details in it. I know it sounds a bit cliche because most of my friends have already done it but who gives a damn. I sure don't. Till the next post !

Over and Out