Friday, March 19, 2010


Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm finally writing a NOVEL !!!
It's gonna be called :
How cool is that ?!
Pretty cool isn't it?
How many 18 year old dude
do you know who's got a novel of is own ?!
My guess...NONE !
Once again ! I've got something to
get all worked up about.

But ever so sadly, that was just part of a dream I had late this evening while catching some Z's on the itchy carpet of the living room after a long day of pure nothingness. NOTHING ! NIL ! ZILCH !

"OMG ! What the heck are you doing with your life ? "

Those were the exact words that popped out into my mind as I relentlessly tried to lullaby myself into heavenly slumber. Which, to be honest, didn't work even for a split second due to my not so angelic voice and not forgetting the flee inviting piece of rag I was on. And please ! Don't you give me that look ! I know what you are thinking right now : Why bother singing yourself to sleep if you know you'll only croak like a toad ?! Yup! I know exactly what you're thinking. YES YOU. You hoochie, tone deaf, trash eating, manure friendly, ugly, slimy little twerp of a rat! Well Mister Simon Cowell wannabe....not everyone can be Mylie Cyrus ! *shocked face*

I'm being sarcastic of course ! Even, Germy, my rat friend over here can sing better than she could ever be able to in her entire life-which is NEVER to be perfectly exact and precise. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm jealous because she managed to burst into super stardom at a very tender age or the fact that she's filthy rich, but it's just because I find her terribly annoying with her idiotically squeaky, GEDIK and bitchy voice, her self-proclaimed "TALENT" - which again, is totally over-rated and fake, and don't get me started on her tramp-like sense of fashion - HORRIBLE MUCH. [No offense girl. I'm not trying to sabotage your career or anything. It's just the way I see you as a person. That's all.]

Anyhow, no matter how much I abhor Miley Cyrus, the actual point of this post is not to ditch or bitch about her but instead to .... ??? honestly....even I myself have not a single idea as to why I even bother creating this post. Must have been the blasted brain-scorching weather of the city and the boredom-stricken atmosphere of my dilapidated abode. I often wonder whether or not it is normal for an SPM resultee [that's my own word for people who've just obtained their results] like myself to be lazing and idling around the house with no purpose what-so-ever in life. So ? Is it normal or is it just me ? Hmmm..... EPIC BAFFLEMENT!

Friday, March 12, 2010


"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops - at all
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm
- Emily Dickinson -

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Au Nom De Dieu Clément Et Miséricordieu

Tout ce qu'il veut ,
Le petit garçon ,
Qui n'a que 5 ans ,
Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Demanda-t-il de n'avoir pas peur ?
Désira-t-il d'être fort ?
Pria-t-il d'être grand ?
Souhaita-t-il d'être milliardaire ?
Voulut-il devenir rebelle ?

Pas du tout
Pas tous ça

Que veut-il ?
Le pauvre fils
Pouvez-vouz me l'expliquer ?
De quoi il pense ?
De quoi il parle ?
De quoi son coeur; souhait-il ?
De quoi son
âme; rêve-t-elle ?

Ne vous en saves pas
[bon] monsieur ?
Est-ce que vous êtes sûr [bon] monsieur ?
Ne vous savez pas la cause de la douleur
Qui le tue entièrement
De temps en temps ?
Ne vous savez pas la raison du chagrin
Qui le tormente diaboliquement
De plus en plus ?
Mais [bon] monsieur
C'était vous qui le priv
âtes de ses droits
Quand violâtes-vous son pays


Ne c'était pas vous qui le montrâtes

Aucune pitié ni raison

Quand massacrâtes-vous

Sa famille

Ses parentés

Ses amies

Ses voisins

Ses frères

Ses soeurs

Pour un simple mot :

لا إله إلاَّ الله


[bon] monsieur ?

Ne vous savez toujours

Ce que veut

Le bébé pitoyable ?

Combien des pays de plus doivent

s’age-nouiller devant vous ?

Combien des hommes de plus doivent

martyriser contre vous ?


Combien de la vie de plus doit

être sacrifier ?


Pour que vous puissiez comprendre

Ce qu’il veut


الله أكبر


I'm so

Monday, March 8, 2010


Quand l'avenir n'arriverait jamais te rendre heureux
Ne te l'attends pas
Ne te gaspilles plus le temps pour lui
Ne te caches plus
la cage
Celle qui t'abrite
Celle qui t'enchaîne
Celle qui te torturer terriblement
de plus en plus
Depuis ta naissance
C'est à toi
à faire définir ta vie
au monde
à y'en construire une
au monde
tu es la seule personne qui peux

Casses-toi la cage
Ta cage !
Et tu sera libre....
Libre à
voler sur le ciel formidable
courir sur les plages toutes blanches
à former ton destin

Alors ?
Qu'attends tu ?

I found this poem while browsing through Google and thought it might be useful to boost my spirit after yesterday's incident. Enjoy !


I haven't had anything fun or extraordinary to do of late - I'm guessing that has gotta be the reason and t
he source of my utter boredom and severe depression. Not to mention the growing anxiety of having to collect my SPM results this coming Thursday and the consequence it shall bring with it. But,like the voices that kept on colliding into every corner of my mind keep on reminding me : It's no biggie! Chill out! So! No pressure...what-so-ever.

And guess what ?! Those boisterously schizophrenic voices that had never done me any good as long as I've lived in this beloved world are actually right for the first time and hopefully not the last.

Ever since I started listening to the voices within, everything seemed to have changed for the better. My days are no longer meaningless and empty like they were before. The once dark and monochromatic labyrinth I call a brain is now a rainbow-filled and butterflies-cluttered meadow grassed by beautiful and exotic flowers, inhabited by mythical animals of various shapes and sizes and holding firm to it's ground is a tall, large, shady and mellow oak tree which homes magically harmonious and melodically heart-warming sounds that seems to come out of no where.

But, enough about what's going on in my mind. What's important is the real world. The world would have never been what it is if humans were to spend their precious time blogging about their inner thoughts and sentiments rather than putting those valuable aspects to work and benefit from them. I know that it's very hard to except the truth but it is what it is and it can't be changed just by wishing for everything to be better. Nope. It doesn't work like that. So, stop dreaming and embrace life-warts and all.

Goodness gracious. Forgive me. Look how I've strayed from the topic of my post. I really am sorry, it must have been the article I just read. The one that crushed millions of hopes that took years to built in just matter of seconds and the same one that almost brought me to tears. An article that I personally wished I'd never bump into but I believe that ALLAH has HIS reasons for everything that had already occurred and for those that are happening on earth and all that I can do is to wish for the best and strive for the best.

Those interested to know more about this article may refer to the link below but please be reminded that it is not meant for the faint of heart.

I wish all of you well and happiness.

And please be reminded that one should never let go of their dreams just because an obstacle decided to come out of the blue and torment their physique, sanity and morality in any means possible for many more shall come their way and one can't afford to lose grasp of everything that is important in their lives just because they can't stand up for themselves and fight for what their hearts desire.

I know that it seem rather schizophrenic of me to be changing the topic and mood of this article every now and then but there are things that I just can't wait too get off my chest.

Well here goes nothing.
OMG !!!
I've just thought up of a new slogan for myself.
''Hope for the best and strive for the best''
Cool...I'm so psyched about it....

Anyway, like I was saying, just believe in yourself and follow what your heart is saying. What's the worst that could happen ? [don't answer that] That's all for today. Till tomorrow !

- Assalamualaikum -