Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm finally writing a NOVEL !!!
It's gonna be called :
How cool is that ?!
Pretty cool isn't it?
How many 18 year old dude
do you know who's got a novel of is own ?!
My guess...NONE !
Once again ! I've got something to
get all worked up about.

But ever so sadly, that was just part of a dream I had late this evening while catching some Z's on the itchy carpet of the living room after a long day of pure nothingness. NOTHING ! NIL ! ZILCH !

"OMG ! What the heck are you doing with your life ? "

Those were the exact words that popped out into my mind as I relentlessly tried to lullaby myself into heavenly slumber. Which, to be honest, didn't work even for a split second due to my not so angelic voice and not forgetting the flee inviting piece of rag I was on. And please ! Don't you give me that look ! I know what you are thinking right now : Why bother singing yourself to sleep if you know you'll only croak like a toad ?! Yup! I know exactly what you're thinking. YES YOU. You hoochie, tone deaf, trash eating, manure friendly, ugly, slimy little twerp of a rat! Well Mister Simon Cowell wannabe....not everyone can be Mylie Cyrus ! *shocked face*

I'm being sarcastic of course ! Even, Germy, my rat friend over here can sing better than she could ever be able to in her entire life-which is NEVER to be perfectly exact and precise. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm jealous because she managed to burst into super stardom at a very tender age or the fact that she's filthy rich, but it's just because I find her terribly annoying with her idiotically squeaky, GEDIK and bitchy voice, her self-proclaimed "TALENT" - which again, is totally over-rated and fake, and don't get me started on her tramp-like sense of fashion - HORRIBLE MUCH. [No offense girl. I'm not trying to sabotage your career or anything. It's just the way I see you as a person. That's all.]

Anyhow, no matter how much I abhor Miley Cyrus, the actual point of this post is not to ditch or bitch about her but instead to .... ??? honestly....even I myself have not a single idea as to why I even bother creating this post. Must have been the blasted brain-scorching weather of the city and the boredom-stricken atmosphere of my dilapidated abode. I often wonder whether or not it is normal for an SPM resultee [that's my own word for people who've just obtained their results] like myself to be lazing and idling around the house with no purpose what-so-ever in life. So ? Is it normal or is it just me ? Hmmm..... EPIC BAFFLEMENT!

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